Mindfulness 1 daagse Stiltedagen & Mindfulness Training

InBalance Mindfulness

Who is Mindfulness for? All of us! Developing greater awareness can open us to be able to change how we approach our experiences – taking more pleasure in the good things and dealing more effectively with the difficulties.

Mindfulness 1 Day Silent Retreat 

In today’s fast paced and supercharged world, we all need a moment to reboot our mind and re-connect with our inner-calm. A mindfulness silent day retreat is the ideal opportunity to spend time with yourself, away from your ‘to do’ list and your mobile phone. A time to recharge and re-connect with yourself without the pressures and responsibilities of your daily life. 

Mindfulness Course

Mindfulness is known to benefit people with a range of problems of both a physical and a psychological nature, but it is not necessary to have a specific problem to find it helpful. We all have times in our lives when we experience difficulty, stress and struggle. The problem itself may not change but the way we relate to and cope with the difficulty may shift, making it all feel easier. Developing greater awareness can open us to be able to change how we approach our experiences – taking more pleasure in the good things and dealing more effectively with the difficulties. 

The 8 week Mindfulness course is an excellent way to get grounded in meditation practice and start to experience its benefits. Research has shown that, in as little as eight weeks of practice structural and functional changes can be observed in the brain. The course is a mix of theory, mindfulness practices and tools & tips for daily life. 

The courses and retreats are guided in either English or Dutch.


Over InBalance Mindfulness

My Motto is Connecting & Caring

I am South African, married to a Dutchman, mother of two beautiful children and have been living in Holland for more than 25 years.

Since I started exploring mindfulness several years ago, the effect on my life has been profound. I have been amazed the improvements I have been able to make to my own emotional well-being. Instead of missing my life by worrying too much about the future or being caught up in the past, I am spending a lot more time in the present. Through the technique of mindfulness, I have learned to remain calm and centred, even when faced with difficult and stressful situations that life sometimes has the tendacy to throw our way.

I became so enthusiastic about the benefits of mindfulness in my own life, that I completed the trainer’s course in order to be able share what I have learned with others. My teaching approach is practical and down to earth.

I find it deeply rewarding to help others make their journey toward a more aware, happier and balanced life.


InBalance Mindfulness

Jennifer Dawn Hordijk-Faure

Quarles van Uffordstraat 36
2202 NH Noordwijk

Mindfulness 1 daagse Stiltedagen & Mindfulness Training

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