23nov 2024
What is your Nature - Niki & Marco

Katwijk aan zee

This workshop will guide you through practices designed to nurture your inner being, helping you cultivate the insight and energy needed for the next phase of your life.

“Our heart whispers the wisdom of our soul” – Jessie May

In the busyness of daily life, it's easy to lose touch with ourselves, running on autopilot and missing the quiet whispers of our heart. If you’re feeling a bit restless, ready for something new, or yearning for deeper connections to yourself or others, our “What is Your Nature?” workshop offers you a chance to step out of the everyday rush and rediscover your inner Nature.

Why join us?
This workshop is for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and their path. Whether you’rea crossroads, feeling unsettled, or simply ready to give yourself the care and attention you deserve, this day offers a safe and sacred space to pause, reflect, and reconnect. You’ll leave with a renewed sense of clarity, inspiration, and purpose—along with tools to nurture your growth moving forward.

What to expect:
On 23 Novemberthe beautiful Sufi Temple, we will explore what happens when we stop, listen, and truly care for our inner nature. Through a day filled with soul constellations, guided meditations, soulful music, and nature walks, you’ll have the chance to tune into your heart’s wisdom.

This workshop will guide you through practices designed to nurture your inner being, helping you cultivate the insight and energy needed for the next phase of your life.

About Niki & Marco:  kolimbri/about-us/

Dutch and English language 

Price:  € 150,- concessionary prices available by request


23 nov 2024
09.00 - 17.00
150,00 https://kolimbri.com/workshops/what-is-your-nature/
Minimaal 6 deelnemers.
Maximaal 20 deelnemers.


Soefitempel Universel Murad Hassil
Zuidduinseweg 7
2225 JS Katwijk aan zee


What is your Nature - Niki & Marco

Wat doe ik nog meer?

Henricke van Hoorn
Henricke van Hoorn Praktijk voor lichaamsgerichte (trauma) Therapie, stress reductie en Mindfulness
Henricke van Hoorn
Praktijk Henricke van Hoorn in Amsterdam. Gespecialiseerd in lichaamsgerichte trauma therapie, coaching en psychosomatische fysiotherapie. Behandeling voor stress-, angstklachten en traumaverwerking.
Bewust aan de Kust
FILM: Songs of Earth
Bewust aan de Kust
Katwijk aan zee
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Muziek & Zang
Concerten in de Soefitempel
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Universel Murad Hassil
Mindfulness & Compassie
Bewuster leven
Universel Murad Hassil
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Levensbeschouwing en Religie
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Connection concert - Peter Wilms
Katwijk aan zee
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